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Russians have discovered an effective way to treat fungal diseases

A source from the Russian Ministry of Science and Higher Education announced that researchers have discovered an ideal way to prepare multicomponent crystals from the drug miconazole, which is used to treat fungi.

And fungal diseases can also infect the internal organs of the body. As a rule, it affects people with a weak immune system. Oral drugs and drugs in the form of tablets, capsules and syrup are used in the treatment of these diseases. However, its low solubility in water prevents its effective use. Therefore, to increase its effectiveness, molecular crystals are used, which consist of a compound compound that is partially soluble in water and a molecule of a substance that is highly soluble in water.

Scientists from the Institute of Solution Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences studied the effect of different methods on the shelf life and dissolution rate of miconazole (a broad-spectrum antifungal drug that is partially soluble in water) to create of new co-crystalline forms. when taken orally, it is only 25-30% due to its bioavailability in humans. Therefore, preparations based on it are made only for topical use in the form of creams, lotions, sprays or suppositories.

“The ideal method for obtaining multicomponent miconazole crystals has been the method of suspension solutions,” said Alexei Manin, senior researcher at the Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of the Institute of Clinical Compounds.

Manin added that the test results of miconazole crystals obtained with this method show that the body absorbs it five times better than the original drug.

According to the researchers, the forms of miconazole they obtained will be used in the production of drugs and preparations with improved properties for the treatment of fungal diseases.

Source: RIA Novosti

Source: Arabic RT

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