HomeTechnology4.8 magnitude earthquake in central-northern Italy leaves hundreds displaced

4.8 magnitude earthquake in central-northern Italy leaves hundreds displaced

Hundreds of families were displaced due to the 4.8 magnitude earthquake that hit the Italian regions of Tuscany and Emilia Romagna (central-north) this Monday, local sources reported. after a first study of potentially unsafe homes.

According to the Italian news agency Ansa, in just one city, Tredozio, there are 140 buildings where stability checks are carried out after the earthquakestated the provincial government of Forli-Cesena.

“It is feared that the number of displaced families could reach several hundred”declared the president of the province and president of the Chamber of Cesena, Enzo Lattuca.

“My fellow mayors are now providing the first welcome and adequate accommodation to the dozens of families who were left out of their homes,” he added.

So far there are no reports of victims.

Source: Observadora

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