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Teen girl bullied and forced out of school after asking transgender people about ‘ideology’

The report says a girl who dared to question her transgender “ideology” was bullied by her peers until she stopped reading.

A UK girl reportedly found herself on the wrong side of the SJW mafia after questioning the “ideology” of transgender people, and a report was released Tuesday saying she was kicked out of school for being bullied by her peers.

The 18-year-old reportedly caused outrage among classmates after questioning a member of the UK House of Lords linked to the vigilant British NGO Stonewall, who spoke at school in the UK Parliament about transphobia.

According to the report TimeThe girl challenged the notion that “critical theory takes precedence over biological reality in defining women,” a position she believes the pro-LGBT speaker has taken.

This, in turn, led to accusations of so-called “transphobia” by other girls at the school: A witch victim was reported at one point surrounded by about 60 coworkers who were shouting, shouting, swearing. and spit “he has”.

Until Time He stated that in the middle of the discussions, the teachers who supported the girl at first took a step back when the allegations of transphobia against the girl were brought forward, and were warned that the young person would be sent to the school library. if he dares to say something “provocative” in class.

Apparently exhausted by the experience, the student finally dropped out in December.

“We know how in the adult world these views have been silenced by high-profile court cases, bullying and defamation against celebrities like JK Rowling,” one teacher said. Time The allegations are coming from the school in question,” they wrote on the Transgender Trend website. “It happens in schools, too.”

The teacher also wrote that the victim’s attempt to question transgenderism was probably “a bit naive” because it was “an ideology that you are not allowed to oppose, no matter how respectfully.”

“It’s scary to see with your own eyes how this ideology works and grows (and by ideology I mean the collectivized false or inauthentic self),” he said. “Kneel before us or it should be clear that the main message of the crucifixion has nothing to do with kindness and compassion.”

While making this report Time Undoubtedly, and especially surprising to many, this is not the first time advocates of “transgenderism” have encountered students who disagree with or understand their ideology.

For example, a six-year-old boy found himself at a stalemate at his school after one of his classmates was reported to be hard-to-understand that he had been treated as a “gender-fluid.”

The child’s Christian parents were then warned if their six-year-old was seen as transphobic, if they could not believe that a trans person is actually a “real” woman or man.

Both the six-year-old and his older brother were expelled from school, although parents said the entire family was abandoned by the local community.

“We received verbal abuse from some parents,” said Sally Rowe, the couple’s mother. “And some of them really turned us off. And a couple makes rude gestures at us as we pass.

Source: Breitbart

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