The American magazine Conservative noted in an article that “US President Joe Biden failed to find a diplomatic way out of the Ukrainian crisis and prevent a proxy war with Russia.”

The magazine stated, “After the failed US withdrawal from Afghanistan, there was hope that the White House would focus on domestic politics, but those expectations were not met.”

Biden’s incompetence in finding a diplomatic solution before and during the initial stage of Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine, as well as the willingness of the Republican elite to support another proxy war of the authorities, led to the fact that this opportunity was largely missed.

She stressed that “Washington is not keen to reconsider its priorities, and therefore the situation could seriously deteriorate even before any improvement begins.”

Against the backdrop of a Russian special operation in Ukraine, Washington and its NATO allies continue to supply weapons to the Kyiv authorities. Moscow has repeatedly warned that pumping Western weapons into Ukraine only prolongs the conflict, making the means of transporting these weapons (in Ukraine) a legitimate target for the Russian military.