An official source in the Syrian Foreign Ministry indicated that Damascus “rejects the hostilities unleashed by the occupying Turkish forces for several days in areas and villages in northeastern Syria”, explaining that “what the Turkish regime is doing to establish the so-called “Safe Zone” on Syrian territory is a shameful act of aggression and part of the policy of ethnic and geographic cleansing carried out by the government of Recep Tayyip Erdogan in the occupied Syrian territories, which are war crimes and crimes against humanity.

He emphasized, according to the Syrian news agency SANA, that Syria supports “every party that illegally operates outside the Syrian state and its institutions and seeks to provide the Turkish regime with excuses to launch its bloody campaigns against the Syrians.” primary responsibility for covering up this opportunistic and elusive regime,” emphasizing that the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Syria “will not be blackmailed or bargained by the extremist Turkish regime in collusion with its ally in Washington and with some Western countries that are looking for cheap political benefit at the expense of the Syrian people and their territorial integrity.”

The source noted that the Syrian government “emphasizes its right enshrined in international law to use all legal means to counter any measures taken by the Erdogan regime and its agents of terrorist organizations, and demands the withdrawal of all illegal foreign forces from the territory of Syria.”