“The attempts by the current Taiwan administration to put obstacles in the way of Russia by imposing a ban on the export of semiconductors are doomed to failure,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said. Commenting on the press request to comment on the ban on the export of Taiwanese-made chips with a frequency of more than 25 MHz to Russia and Belarus, Zhao Lijian said at a press conference: “Therefore, the Democratic Progressive Party (the ruling Taiwan Party) is striving to increase tensions, and it is clear that such efforts the Taiwanese side are doomed to failure.”

He pointed out that “Taiwan is taking such steps at the behest of foreign political forces,” adding that “this is how Taiwan resorts to provocations.”

Earlier, the Taiwan authorities announced a ban on the export to Russia and Belarus of electronic chips with a frequency of more than 25 MHz, as well as devices with a performance of more than 5 gigaflops. In turn, Russia imposed restrictions on the export of inert gases, which are used for the production of semiconductors.