After presenting the first season of Al-Khiba (directed by Samer Al-Barkawi and produced by Brothers Sabah/2017), which had significant success, Hozan Akko decided to move to the Emirates, where he lived and continued to write. Not only was this the decision the Syria screenwriter made, but he also decided not to work with Arabic producers, but to focus on platforms.

So, two seasons of Platform (directed by German director Rodrigo Kretschner) were shown to him on Netflix, and the work is under light, as he moves away from love relationships, focusing on stories of conflict. in obtaining information. Akko was a pioneer in changing the spirit of the texts he continued to write, and by the time some writers turned to love stories, he was the only one to tread the path full of mystery and action and discover a new global conflict presented in the information war.
After The Platform, Akko continued his work on platforms, this time with a new series called The Board (first production by Dionysia Studios), which he also wrote and directed.
In this context, the writer announced in a tweet this morning the start of filming for the film, which will feature Syrian stars Bassem Yahour, Sallum Haddad, Nadine Tahsin Bey, Khaled Al-Kish, Rosina Latfani and the Lebanese Abdo Shaheen. Akko says: “What we hear but do not know often controls our destiny. This is a board. Notably, the new series is also inspired by the information war, this time with an updated template.