Dmitry Polyansky, Deputy Representative of Russia to the UN, said during a meeting of the UN Security Council on Yemen that “recently, more and more positive trends can be observed in the long-term military-political conflict.”

Welcoming the two-month extension of the truce, he explained: “We understand how difficult it is for the Yemenis to reach this compromise, and it adds value to it,” referring to the reopening of the UN-sponsored Trilateral Commission. of the Coordinating Committee, emphasizing that Russia considers the agreement reached within the committee on the formation of a Working Group for permanent communication on violations of the ceasefire regime to be a “positive signal”.

Polyansk praised the role of UN Special Envoy Hans Grundberg in the implementation of the ceasefire agreement, noting that “the fulfillment by both sides (Ansar Allah” and the internationally recognized government of Yemen) of all the conditions of the ceasefire and the rejection of unilateral provocations will help consolidate the positive trends in the Yemeni crisis, move on to comprehensive political settlement.

He expressed concern about the difficult economic and social situation in the country, stressing that “efforts should be made to remove restrictions on the transfer of food, medicine and other essential goods to all areas of Yemen without any discrimination, regardless of who controls these lands” .