The Malian government has announced that 132 civilians were killed in a series of armed attacks earlier this week and that some of the perpetrators have been identified.”

About 13,000 soldiers from several countries have been deployed to Mali as part of the UN peacekeeping mission since 2013.

It is noteworthy that the UN Security Council extended the work of the UN peacekeeping mission in Mali MINUSMA until June 30, 2022.

The French authorities said in February last year that they would “withdraw the troops that were stationed in Mali about ten years ago, after relations with the military junta in Mali worsened earlier this year.”

As for the Malian authorities, in May last year they announced “withdrawal from the G5 Sahel and their armed forces to fight the militants in protest against their refusal to take over the chairmanship of this regional organization, which includes Mauritania, Chad, Burkina – Faso and Niger. .