Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that his country is striving to increase cooperation with its partners on the African continent on the basis of mutual benefit and equal partnership between the two sides.

He explained at a press conference held with his Somali counterpart Hasan Sheikh Mahmoud at the Turkish Presidential Complex in the capital Ankara that “Turkey attaches great importance to Somalia and the continued support given to Somalia in health, education and infrastructure has contributed to the rebirth of this country. “Country”.

Erdogan noted, “Our government agencies and civil organizations continue their activities on the ground in Somalia, and the Recep Tayyip Erdogan Hospital in Mogadishu is providing medical services to our brothers in Somalia and neighboring countries,” and expressed “happiness at the renaissance that Somalia has achieved. in many areas, especially in the field of security and economics.”

And he added: “I wish success to the new government, which will take over the solution of issues under the leadership of Sheikh Mahmoud, and Turkey will continue to support the Somalis and will be the voice of Somalia in the international arena,” noting that “The volume of trade between the two countries has increased over the past year by 31 percent to $363 million.

After a press conference, an agreement was signed between the two countries on a “non-monetary grant”, where the Turkish side was represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change Murad Korum, and the Somali side was represented by Acting Foreign Minister Bilal Mohamed Osman. .