The Russian Foreign Ministry announced that 384 deputies of the Japanese parliament were blacklisted and banned from entering Russia.

The Russian presidency, the “Kremlin”, considered that “Japan has taken a very hostile position towards us, which does not contribute to the development of economic relations, including in the energy sector.” In a separate context, she noted that “Russian grain is in great demand, but sanctions prevent its access to foreign markets.”

It is noteworthy that the Japanese government has imposed a package of sanctions against Russia, such as freezing the assets of individuals and legal entities, banning the export of enterprises related to the defense industry, as well as excluding Russia from the trade system of the most preferred country and imposing a ban on the export of a large number of goods to Russia. in connection with her war against Russia. Ukraine. In response to these sanctions, the Russian Foreign Ministry stated on March 21 that “Moscow has decided to refuse to conclude a peace treaty with Japan, stop visa-free entry of Japanese citizens to the South Kuriles and withdraw from dialogue with Japan in a joint residence, in response to Tokyo’s recent unfriendly steps in relation to Russia.