The Maariv newspaper reported that “former Israeli military intelligence chief Amos Yadlin pointed out that Biden’s visit to Israel did not achieve the desired goal, and Saudi Arabia benefited the most from this visit.” He added: “Israel has not presented its requests in the short term on the Iranian issue and has not gone crazy in terms of normalizing relations, as expected.”

The radio interview confirmed: “I think the Saudis will benefit the most. The visit to Israel was very different from the visit to Saudi Arabia. In Israel, a special and strategic relationship has been strengthened and strengthened at the bilateral level. This is especially important. because it comes from a Democratic President. In 2015, it turned out that Israel came to the Republican issue, but the Democratic President came to back up all the positive statements about Israel and the United States, which is an important issue that leaves its impact on the emotional side also.

Yadlin continued: “The convergence of interests and values ​​between countries, as well as trust between leaders, is important. There is trust between Lapid and Biden, and Bennett worked to restore that trust (by being prime minister for one year) after it was destroyed, which was a clear indication of the prime minister’s bent. Former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu supported the Republican president at the expense of the Democrat, explaining that “the visit to Israel was good, but Israel didn’t offer what it wanted in the short term.” She got much less time on the Iranian issue and on the issue of normalization than she had hoped for.”

Asked about the losers during the visit, he stressed: “I am saying that Israel is the loser to some extent regarding integration in this region, in addition to being also the loser on the Iranian issue. The Saudis wanted to whitewash Mohammed bin Salman, and they got it. The Americans came to visit bin Salman, although they did not shake his hand, but bin Salman was not ashamed of them, as he reminded the Americans of their intelligence mistake in Iraq, and the events, related to human rights. As for those who expected Saudi Arabia to follow the path of the Persian Gulf countries after the visit, they realized that the road is still long.”