MSF teams have documented the dire consequences and horrific testimonies of the violence that affected thousands of adults and children caught in the maelstrom of sea crossings and forced returns to Libya. She noted that “The 265 survivors rescued during our operations were brave enough to tell us at least 620 incidents of violence they suffered with the use of force. Many others are trying to tell their stories by noting that 82 percent of these incidents were committed in Libya. “

And she said in a statement: “People report being abused when they are in Libya, when they are intercepted at sea or during their return. of these operations, the coast guard is responsible, 11 percent of military or non-state police, smugglers and traffickers are responsible for 10 percent of this violence Our teams document high levels of violence against women and children, with 29 percent of juveniles reporting violence The youngest of them is eight years old , while the proportion of women is 18 years. It was reported that 68 percent of violent incidents occurred within one year before the survivors were rescued.

The organization added: “Severe injuries, burns, fractures, head injuries, sexual assault-related injuries, and psychiatric disorders were the most prominent health outcomes of reported incidents of abuse, accounting for about 50 percent of these outcomes. This violence leads to long-term physical disability and uncontrolled pregnancy. Many of them were subjected to violence after being intercepted by the Libyan Coast Guard at sea or after being detained in Libyan detention centers at a later stage.

She reported that “survivors also report violence as the Libyan Coast Guard forces them to return to Libya. Between June 21, 2021 and May 2022, our medical and humanitarian teams recorded 95 incidents of violence during the repatriation of survivors due to procedures. Taken by the Libyan Coast Guard. Means of violence were reported, such as beating with belts, wooden sticks or ropes, threats with weapons, and shooting. Survivors also reported being forced to return to Libya between one and seven times before being rescued by Geo Barents. that they were sent to official and unofficial detention centers after they were returned to Libya.