Chief Iranian negotiator Ali Bagheri Kani believed that “the United States should seize the opportunity presented by the nuclear deal negotiating partners” and believed that “the ball is on the side of the United States to show maturity and act responsibly”. .”

Earlier today, the European coordinator of nuclear talks, Enrique Mora, announced: “I’m going to Vienna to discuss a return to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.”

In turn, the Iranian Foreign Ministry indicated that “an Iranian delegation will leave for Vienna in the next few hours to participate in negotiations on the revival of the nuclear agreement.”

US Ambassador Robert Malley also announced that he was heading to Vienna to resume negotiations on the Iranian nuclear file based on a settlement proposed by European Union Foreign Minister Josep Borrell.

And on Monday, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani noted that “in recent days we have had serious exchanges of messages” regarding negotiations to renew the nuclear deal with the European coordinator, explaining that there are “movements and efforts on other aspects as well.”

Kanaani said his country “has always been proactive in negotiations and we believe that the negotiation process is a logical and reasonable way to reach a comprehensive and sustainable agreement that guarantees the benefits of the Islamic Republic of Iran under the nuclear agreement, especially economic benefits.”

And EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said last week that he had “presented a draft settlement on the Iranian nuclear program” and urged “the parties participating in the Vienna talks to accept it in order to avoid a serious crisis.”