The annual Broumana Open Tennis Tournament (Cedar Cup), organized on the courts of Browmana High School, continued for two weeks under the supervision of the Lebanese Game Federation with the participation of 346 people. male and female players.

The course is intended for the following categories: men and women (under 12, under 14, under 16 and under 18), single men, single women, old people (over 35), old people (over 45) and male twins. .

Here are the results of the third day:


Under 12: Anthony Barakat defeated Giorgio Kevin Gabr (4-0), (5-4), Nicolas Azgoul defeated Antoine Mougayer on absenteeism, Ghassan Al-Kai defeated Dimitri Matta (4-0), (4-0), and Nicolas Gazo Hanna Ali Hassan Awada for absenteeism, Daniel Shehab Ali Ryan Soli (4-1), (0-4), (10-6) and Khalil Hotate Ali Hussein Awada for absenteeism.

14 years and under: Tariq Al-Shaabi defeated Hussein Saad (4-0) and (4-0), Hassan Hoteit defeated Samer Badr Al-Din on absenteeism, Rafael Esparza defeated Aram Hamalyan on absenteeism, and Rami Soli defeated Ali Hoteit ( 4-0) and (4-0).

U16: Arman Garabedyan defeated Carlos Bejani (4-1) (4-0), Eli Choueifati defeated Adam Chabani (5-3), (4-2) and Lionel Bahlis defeated Farid Laban (4-0). Both (4-1), and Mark Gosse on Sandro El-Khoury (4-1) and (5-3).

18 and under: Eli Chuifati defeated Murtaja Shamas (4-1), 4-2.

Men’s singles: Anthony Ten defeated Muhammad Khater (9-5), Antoine Al-Khani defeated Ahmed Al-Hashimi on absenteeism, Mark Al-Muwakar defeated Mark Muhanna (9-6), German North defeated Elio Salibi (9-3) ). and Muhammad Ibrahim Ali Ahmed Al-Wardi for truancy, and Jalal Shamali Ali Jaafar Hameed for truancy.

Seniors 35 and under: Rami Kassis defeated Hani Gamra on truancy, Danny Gamra defeated Saad Hayat (9-2) and Shafik Sawaya defeated Jean Barhoush (9-2).

– female:

Under 14: Haifa Taha Al-Jundi beat Yasmina Baraka (4-0) and (4-0) and Maria Abi Zaid beat Sarah Al-Taweel on absenteeism.

Women’s Singles: Layla Grace Bashour defeated Tina Moussa (9-0), Waney Alford defeated Rina Markbawi (9-1) and Lula Tome Ali Ghadi Al-Basat is out.

Matches of the fourth day start at 9:00.