The Islamic Jihad movement in Palestine and its military unit, Saraya al-Quds, lamented in a statement “a group of our heroic people and our Mujahideen” who were killed in Israeli raids targeting the Gaza Strip and “they are led by commander of Saraya al-Quds in the northern region.” In the Gaza Strip, Tayseer al-Jabari “Abu Mahmoud” and a number of mujahideen and citizens, including a little girl in her fifth year of life, rose to prominence.

She pointed out that “this treacherous Zionist crime has hindered mediation efforts and efforts to end the state of tension that exists after the brutal attack on leader Bassam al-Saadi and his family in Jenin”, explaining that “the enemy bears full responsibility”. for this crime, and we will not tolerate a response.” trench to respond to this aggression and counter this terrorism.

The movement and its military wing emphasized: “We will prove with facts, evidence and days that these crimes will not fail the resistance, and the pure blood of the Mujahideen, who dedicated their lives to the defense of Palestine, will become a new witness to the epic of resilience in which our people will win, and the brigades of Al- Quds and resistance prove that, God willing, they are capable of withstanding and defeating usurping enemies.

It is noteworthy that the Israeli army announced the conduct of airstrikes in the Gaza Strip, noting that “a special case has been declared in the rear,” emphasizing that “we have launched a military campaign against the Islamic Jihad movement.” The band, titled (Al-Fajr Al-Sadiq). The operation comes amid tensions this week after Israeli forces arrested Jihad leader Bassam al-Saadi in the Jenin camp.