The leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, called for a “million-strong peaceful demonstration in Tahrir Square in downtown Baghdad”, pointing out that “this is my last call and I have cleared my conscience before my Lord, my father.” , and my people, after the protest, divided into two camps. It is imperative for me to investigate which of the population is more numerous and sympathetic to the Iraqi people, regardless of their affiliation.

And he added in a social media statement: “Relying on Almighty God and His success, I address this letter to the beloved Iraqi people with their clans, segments, sects, women, young men, young men and children. Today I am counting on you to advocate for reforms in Iraq and save what is left of it so that you are not in the least acceptable to corruption, injustice, militias, subjugation and the whims of corrupt and authoritarian parties.

Al-Sadr continued: “Yes, I am counting on you, and I am distinguished by the courage and lack of betrayal on your part, because this is the end of the last opportunity, thanks to a peaceful, united, million-strong demonstration from all provinces of Iraq. , regions, villages and neighborhoods, and even from all its alleys and houses, head to the beloved capital of Baghdad, to Tahrir Square, and then to their protesting brothers. and banners of deliverance, and with your loud voices that shake the thrones of the unfortunate, then return to your homes safe and sound.