Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan stated that “105 of our soldiers have died in clashes with Azerbaijan over the past two days.”

Armenia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Paruer Hovhannisyan said earlier today that 50 Armenian soldiers were killed in clashes with Azerbaijan, noting that “the number could increase significantly” and stressed that “the clashes with Azerbaijan could turn into a war between the two countries,” the news agency reported. Reuters agency.

The Armenian Defense Ministry reported that this morning the Azerbaijani side resumed shelling the territory of Armenia, explaining that “Azerbaijan began shelling and mortar shelling in the direction of Jermuk and Ferin Shurza in the morning,” the Russian news agency TASS reports.

Clashes broke out on Tuesday night on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border and resulted in casualties among the armies of the two countries, with both sides accusing the other of unleashing the escalation.

The two sides agreed to a ceasefire following a conversation between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan. It is noteworthy that Armenia and Azerbaijan signed a ceasefire agreement in Nagorno-Karabakh under the auspices of Russia, which entered into force on November 10, 2020.