Arab League Secretary General Ahmed Abul Gheith expressed “concern at the non-extension of the truce in Yemen, which expires today, Sunday (November 2, 2022),” stressing that “the dangerous humanitarian situation in Yemen is a priority. “It is urgent, and ending the truce will put the crisis on the back burner.”

He urged the Houthis to “support the interests of Yemen and participate positively in efforts aimed at extending the humanitarian truce in Yemen in order to alleviate the difficult reality facing the Yemeni people and ensure their natural right to live in security and to move freely on their land.”

Abul Gheit welcomed the support of regional and international bodies for the extension of the truce in Yemen, and also welcomed the statement by the internationally recognized government of Yemen to confirm its desire to respond positively to the proposal of the UN envoy to Yemen to extend the humanitarian truce, and stressed the importance of “strengthening the humanitarian truce in Yemen for more a long period”. helped to reduce the level of violence and made it easier for the international community to provide assistance”.