Al-Quds Brigades, Jaba and Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, Martyr Amjad al-Fakhuri’s group announced that “in a joint operation, we were able to target the Israeli forces stationed in the settlement, who sent him near cities with a bullet.

In turn, the Lion’s Den groups reported: “Some time ago, the Lion’s Den groups fired at the flocks of sheep of the ‘settlers’ who accompanied them from Israeli army soldiers in Avarta and the checkpoints of Hawar, and by the grace of God, we inflicted casualties among their ranks.”

Yesterday, Saturday, Israeli soldiers shot and killed a Palestinian youth in the city of Al-Eizariya in East Jerusalem.

For its part, the Palestinian Health Ministry said in a statement that “Fayez Khaled Damdom (aged 18) was martyred from severe wounds received by live bullets to the neck in the city of Al-Eizariya in Jerusalem.”

It should be noted that the Israeli army has not officially commented on the incident that led to the killing of the Palestinian youth.