HomeWorld"This may be my last post." Persian actress...

“This may be my last post.” Persian actress removes her Islamic headscarf on Instagram and is detained by Iranian police

“Maybe this is my last post. From now on, whatever happens, I know that, as always, I am with the Iranian people until my last breath.” The publication sounds like a farewell and it is not a coincidence. On her official Instagram account on Saturday, a popular Iranian actress filmed herself without the Islamic veil, mandatory in the country, and with her hair uncovered.

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A few hours later, authorities detained 52-year-old multi-award winner Hengameh Ghaziani, reported Iran International, an independent Iranian website, citing the average condition.

Since the protests in Iran escalated in intensity after Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old Iranian Kurdish woman, died in hospital in September after being detained by the morality police for misusing the Islamic headscarf, six people have already been sentenced to death. for participating in the demonstrations.

A 27-year-old Iranian rapper also comes out of these accounts, sentenced to death for supporting protests against the Islamic Republic. saman yasin He was sentenced to death for being “moharebeh”, that is, an enemy of God. Yasin was convicted of 11 offences, all forged according to the anti-regime press, and for supporting protests against the Islamic Republic.

“Enemy of God.” 27-year-old Iranian rapper sentenced to death for participating in anti-Islamic protests

Saman Yasin is known for his protest songs, which talk about poverty and human rights violations in Iran. He was arrested on 10 October and has since been held in Evin and Fashafoye prisons. On November 7, according to the Iranian press, he was tried and sentenced to death. The session did not last more than 10 minutes and his lawyer was not present at the trial. The date of execution of the sentence is unknown.

Source: Observadora

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