HomeWorldFact review. Does Australia prohibit those under 30...

Fact review. Does Australia prohibit those under 30 years of age from receiving the 4th dose of the Covid vaccine due to “high” risk of death?

A Facebook action claims that, in Australia, children under the age of 30 have been banned from taking the fourth dose of the Covid-19 vaccine, after authorities discovered a high risk of death associated with taking the vaccine. Posts with the same statements were also made in the twitter???????? The content is misleading.

So far, Australia has vaccinated around 88.25% of its population with at least one dose. But in recent weeks, the number of cases of people infected with the new coronavirus has been on the rise. Which led the Australian Ministry of Health to leave new guidelines for the population.

Health Minister Mark Butler revealed, on November 15 (a day before the publication verified by The Observer), the measures suggested by ATAGI, the technical group that advises the Australian government on immunization issues. A new dose of the vaccine was recommended for the elderly and risk groups, but not for the entire population.

In Australia, anyone over the age of five can be vaccinated, however the number of doses administered is different depending on the age group, similar to what is done in Portugal. In the latest spike in Covid-19 cases recorded in Australia, In July of this year, the government stopped reinforcing young people under 30 years of age. And, with the consequent increase in cases, the decision stands.

EITHER The Australian government did not mention that the decision is made because of risk of myocarditis or risk of death.Contrary to what the post says. But one of the ATAGI members revealed that it is unlikely that those under 30 years of age (without associated pathologies) will be vaccinated. According to the Sydney Morning Herald, Allen Cheng said the decision was related to the “increased risk of myocarditis and lack of noticeable benefit” from taking the booster in this age group. “Vaccination is beneficial and protects the youngest, but the more doses we administer, the less benefit we get from them,” explains the academic. “A 30-year-old who is infected with Covid-19 is unlikely to develop complications, unlike someone in their 60s or 70s,” he adds, saying that a young person with three doses of the vaccine is still “protected from optimal way”.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cases in which myocarditis is caused by vaccination against Covid-19 are rare. The institution also says that the risk is greater from infection than from taking the vaccine.


A publication that appeared on various social networks ensures that the Australian government has decided to ban the third dose of the Covid-19 vaccine for those under 30 years of age. According to the exchange, the decision is based on the discovery of “very high” risks of reactions and death. But not all of this is true.

Australian health authorities have stopped recommending boosters for people under 30 for some time, but the risks of death for this age group have not been reported. One of the members of ATAGI (the Australian council of immunization) said that the decision is due to exposing citizens to the risk of side effects, such as myocarditis, for a benefit that may not be perceptible. “Vaccination is beneficial and protects the youngest, but the more doses we administer, the less benefit we get from them,” he explains. The WHO already recognizes the risk of myocarditis in this age group, but reveals that there are more cases in which this occurs due to infection than vaccination.


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NOTE: This content was curated by The Observer as part of a fact-checking partnership with Facebook.

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Source: Observadora

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