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“No blank checks.” Republican leader of the House of Representatives rejects Zelensky’s invitation to visit kyiv

Zelensky invited the Republican leader of the House of Representatives to kyiv, but McCarthy refused to visit the country. “I don’t have to go to Ukraine to understand where there is a blank check.”

The new leader of the House of Representatives, Republican Kevin McCarthy, refused, on Wednesday, to visit the Ukrainian capital, after an invitation addressed by the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky.

In an interview with CNN International, the Head of State of Ukraine invited the Republican leader to visit Kiev and Ukraine, so that he can see how “Ukrainians work, what is happening on the ground, what has caused the war and against whom” Kiev the soldiers are fighting.

However, on the same television channel, Kevin McCarthy, who recently said he was against “blank checks” to Kiev despite supporting the country, reiterated the idea again. “I don’t have to go to Ukraine to understand where there is a blank check or not.”

In addition, Kevin McCarthy assured that “he will continue to receive the briefings about Ukraine, but “you don’t have to go to kyiv” to understand what is happening in the country. “My point is and always has been: I’m not going to write a blank check for anything”insisted the Republican leader of the House of Representatives.

Kevin McCarthy’s attitude shows that the Republican Party is more and more divided in terms of support for Ukraine, something that could jeopardize aid to the country.

However, in an interview with CNN International, Volodymyr Zelensky recently mentioned that he “had a meeting” with some members of the Republican Party, who visited Ukraine. “They told me that they want to continue supporting Ukraine, like the Democrats,” said the Head of State, clarifying that he does not “want to know” which party force is supporting Kiev in the war.

Source: Observadora

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