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The Ukrainian president attributes Chernigov the status of a “hero city” and accuses Russia of having created a “concentration camp”

In his address to the nation, Zelensky mentioned meetings with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and again criticized Russia’s presidency of the UN Security Council.

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Volodymyr Zelensky attributed the status of a “hero city” to the city of Chernigov and accused Russia of having maintained a “concentration camp” during its occupation.

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“Russian soldiers set up a command post at a school [na vila de Yahidne]. (…) From March 3 to 30 of last year, the occupants kept more than 300 people in the basement of this school. A local school, whose basement is less than 200 square meters, ”said the Ukrainian president, who visited the city on Monday, in his daily address to the nation. “The older woman was 93 years old and the younger child was less than six months old”.

On the day that he granted Chernigov the status of a “heroic city” and honored several soldiers responsible for its defense, Zelensky (who was accompanied by German Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck and the Secretary General of the European Council Marija Pejčinović Burić) described the visit as “emotional” and declared that the country “will never forgive the evil state for this basement, this concentration camp in Yahidne, as well as all other crimes against humanity in Russia.”

Likewise, the Ukrainian head of state once again criticized the Russian presidency of the United Nations Security Council, assuring that the Kremlin “will not be able to hide” and that “responsibilities will be established and justice will be done in court for every Russian crime.” committed on Ukrainian soil.”

The visit to Chernigov also served to meet with the various regional commanders and obtain reports on the front line. According to Zelensky, the fighting in Bakhmut, Avdiivka, Maryinka and in the entire Donetsk region was the central topic of this meeting.

During the afternoon in kyiv, the Ukrainian president also received an American delegation, led by the US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo. “I thanked the United States for its consistency and considerable help, from President Biden and the White House to both houses of Congress and the entire American power system,” he said.

Zelensky also met hospitalized Ukrainian servicemen, “to thank them for everything they do for Ukraine,” and thanked UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay, whom he also met with. The Ukrainian leader said Chernigov’s historic center should soon receive UNESCO World Heritage status, leaving a guarantee: “Ukraine will never be a country of ruins, no matter how much the Kremlin dreams of it.”

Source: Observadora

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