HomeWorldReview of facts. The UN said that $6...

Review of facts. The UN said that $6 billion would end world hunger and then rejected Elon Musk’s donation?

Posts on social media indicate that the UN has rejected a $6 billion donation from Elon Musk to end world hunger. Will it be true?

Several publications are circulating on social networks alleging that the United Nations (UN) rejected a contribution of 6,000 million dollars (about 5,590 million euros) from the owner of Tesla, Elon Musk, to end the problem of hunger in the world.

According to one of these publications, the magnate asked the UN how much it would cost to “end world hunger.” The international organization responded that “it was around six billion.” “Then, Elon Musk said that he would pay and wanted to know in detail everything he spent,” the article reads. mail, which adds that the United Nations “did not even” insist on receiving the donation. “Their interest is not to end world hunger but to divert values.”

Former head of the United Nations World Food Program (WFP), David Beasley, actually noted, during an interview with CNN International in October 2021, that billionaires could help save the world from hunger. The person in charge mentioned the names of Jezz Bezos, owner of Amazon, and Elon Musk, stating that 2% of their fortunes (around six billion dollars) could help solve the problem.

Elon Musk responded to the challenge on his personal X account (formerly Twitter). “If the World Food Program can describe exactly how six billion will solve world hunger, look at Tesla stock now,” he wrote.

The United Nations did not stop responding to the magnate. Cindy McCain, director of the UN World Food Programme, In X a plan is detailed to help end hunger, but not in all parts of the world.. “The food crisis is urgent, unprecedented and preventable. Elon Musk called for a clear and transparent plan. Here is the. “We are ready to talk to you, or anyone, who really wants to save lives,” the official wrote.

Specifically, the UN document stipulates that, of the six billion dollars, more than half (3.5 billion dollars) would be used for buy and deliver food directly to populationstwo billion would be channeled to acquire vouchers of food in countries where markets function effectively, 700 million would be spent on new anti-hunger programs and to ensure that “assistance reaches the most vulnerable” and 400 million would be spent on managing operations.

After presenting this program, Elon Musk never responded to the United Nations. However, the North American magazine Fortune reports that the magnate donated around 5.7 billion dollars (about 5.31 million euros) to a charity, but not to the UN.


It is true that the United Nations presented a plan to Elon Musk for the tycoon to help end hunger. However, the owner of Tesla never responded to what was presented by the UN, an institution that has never rejected any donation to end the problem.

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Source: Observadora

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