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Transnational operation mounted by the PJ allowed the seizure of 70 kilos of cocaine and the arrest of four suspects in Spain

PJ carried out a transnational operation that allowed “dismantling the infrastructure of an organized crime group dedicated to trafficking, seizing around 70 kilos of cocaine and arresting 4 men in Spain.”

As soon as the container with several photovoltaic panels from Panama arrived at the port of Sines, the national authorities detected that a large amount of cocaine was hidden inside. It was from there that the Judicial Police launched a mega-operation, so that the suspects were arrested on the spot and the destination of the drugs was located – already in Spanish territory -, always in coordination with the National Police Team. .

According to the Judiciary, this “operation to combat transnational drug trafficking, by sea, allowed the dismantling of the infrastructure of an organized criminal group dedicated to drug trafficking, the seizure of around 70 kilos of cocaine and the arrest of four men in Spain.” .

“The investigation carried out by the National Anti-Drug Trafficking Unit of the PJ began after the identification, by the Tax and Customs Authority, of a container that had arrived at the Port of Sines from Panama, which contained several panels photovoltaics and respective metal plates. structures, in which several packages of cocaine were detected,” the PJ begins by explaining, clarifying how the device and monitoring were set up, without the suspects realizing it.

“Through the investigations carried out by the Judicial Police, it was learned that the container would be transported to Spain, where the drugs would be removed. For this reason, the PJ installed a monitoring and surveillance device, with prior authorization from the competent judicial authority,” says the Judiciary.

And it was after this monitoring, carried out in collaboration with the National Police Corps, that it was possible to witness “the arrival of the container at a warehouse in the Cáceres area, in Spain, where three of the suspects were detained awaiting the arrival of the container to remove the medication”.

“Subsequently, and also in Spain, a fourth suspect would end up being arrested, whom the Spanish authorities point out as the main person responsible for the dismantled criminal group,” states a note from the PJ, highlighting that “all of those detained were ordered to preventive detention.” . preventive detention coercive measure.”

The investigation into this alleged drug trafficking network is still continuing.

Source: Observadora

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