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Portuguese businessmen see signs of improvement in Venezuela’s economic situation

Despite the economic contraction that has affected Venezuela for several years, Portuguese businessmen are beginning to see signs of “an opening” from both the authorities and the market that gives hope.

“There is some openness, but we are looking for a way to open it a little more. We were very closed, locked up, but now there is a little light at the end of the tunnel,” said the vice president of the Portuguese Venezuelan Chamber of Commerce (Cavenport).

Tiago da Silva explained to Lusa that, in recent years, Portuguese businessmen have gone through very difficult times, but now signs of improvement are accompanied by new challenges.

“To paraphrase Portuguese sailors, sometimes we have had headwinds, but always thinking about reaching dry land, seeking the best for our community, particularly that of Valencia, Carabobo state,” in northern Venezuela, he said.

For Tiago da Silva, the biggest challenge for entrepreneurs is to “develop and grow,” especially for the “little ones.”

“I started a small business myself. Those who do not have a store have to get one, and those who do want to expand, from being a micro-businessman to a medium or large businessman,” he exemplified.

The vice president of Cavenport also explained that “Venezuela continues to be a land of opportunities” and that this is one of the reasons why the Portuguese created local roots.

Tiago da Silva also explained that Cavenport was founded more than 25 years ago and currently provides legal, accounting, tax advice and business guidance to merchants and entrepreneurs in the state of Caracas.

Cavenport “is the only chamber of commerce recognized by Portugal” and provides guidance for the export and import of Portuguese products and the realization of mergers and new investments, he added.

In statements to Lusa, the president of Cavenport, Fátima de Ponte, explained that the chamber of commerce is preparing to open branches in Caracas and in the states of Miranda and Vargas (both in the north).

The businesswoman added that Cavenport organized, on Thursday, a meeting of the Portuguese community in Valencia, which commemorated the 50th anniversary of the Carnation Revolution.

At the meeting, local historians spoke about the Portuguese and the contribution they made to local development since the 19th century.

Source: Observadora

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