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The incident in Leipzig forces an SIC journalist to go to the hospital

Nuno Pereira was watching the Portuguese team bus leave when an incident with foreign fans forced the journalist to go to the hospital.

The national team bus had just left the hotel this Monday afternoon, heading to the RB Leipzig stadium (where Portugal will face the Czech Republic) for a training session to adapt to the pitch when SIC journalist Nuno Pereira had an incident with a group of foreign fans who were observing the departure of the players and the technical team. The reporter, who was broadcasting live on SIC Notícias, ended up dislocating his shoulder and having to receive hospital treatment.

[Já saiu o sexto e último episódio de “Matar o Papa”, o novo podcast Plus do Observador que recua a 1982 para contar a história da tentativa de assassinato de João Paulo II em Fátima por um padre conservador espanhol. Ouça aqui o primeiro episódio, aqui o segundo, aqui o terceiro, aqui o quarto episódio e aqui o quinto episódio.]

yesaccording SICthe journalist was pushed against a pole, although this is not visible in the transmitted images. It is noticeable that the fans shout Cristiano Ronaldo’s name very close to the SIC microphone. Below, you can see journalist Nuno Pereira (with extensive experience in covering major sports competitions) getting involved in shouting and pushing with young people who were near the hotel (and where the team from that television station also worked). Nuno Pereira appears kicking one of the young people and then grabs him and pushes him at the same time that he is also grabbed by two young people.

About 10 minutes later, Nuno Pereira is back on air and says that “everything is fine”, without mentioning any aggression: “This is what happened with the national team in Marienfeld, with several young people of Arab origin going through the crowd to cause trouble. And that’s what happened. Everything ended well, they ended up disappearing and took a Portuguese gift. There is nothing more to record,” said the journalist.

The SIC says the journalist was pushed against a pole and dislocated his shoulder. After the second stretch, he ended up being taken by ambulance to Leipzig University Hospital. The medical team accompanying the journalist decided that surgery was not necessary and he ended up managing to fit his dislocated shoulder.

In the news published this Monday about the events, the SIC denounces what it says are “insinuations about some aggressive or violent behavior on the part of the SIC journalists, when what happened was exactly the opposite, with serious consequences for those who carried out their work.” job”.

On the social network

SIC reveals that, due to the lack of respect, the Portuguese Football Federation and the Euro Cup organization decided that journalists will now be away from the fans, within the space reserved for the players and the organization of the competition.

Source: Observadora

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