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Donald Trump and Kamala Harris tie in CNN and New York Times national polls

In the New York Times survey, 48% of respondents prefer Trump and 48% prefer Harris, while in the CNN survey the tie is at 47%. These are the last polls from both media before the elections on the 5th.

Republican Donald Trump continues to gain ground in the polls and will enter the final stretch of the race for the White House tied with Democrat Kamala Harris, according to two polls published this Friday. The New York Times places the two candidates with 48% voting intention, while CNN shows both with 47%.

Both polls are final, that is, the last ones that the organizations will publish until election day, November 5. But Millions of Americans have already gone to the polls — or, rather, to the post office — through early voting. And the next ten days are not encouraging for the Democratic campaign, which spent the summer leading the polls, with a comfortable margin.

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The Siena College poll for the Times, conducted between October 20 and 23 among 2,516 voters, shows a tie, with 48% responding. In the newspaper’s latest survey, earlier this month, Harris led with 49% of voting intentions, compared to 46% for Donald Trump. This change is within the margin of erroractually verifying an approximation of the survey responses that reveal a race that became much closer during the last weeks, explains the newspaper.

The proximity between Democrat and Republican is repeated in the seven decisive states. When asked if they view the candidates favorably, voters’ responses were the same: 48% favor Harris, 48% view Trump favorably. The vice president had a slight increase in positive responses about her policies, but respondents still prefer Trump when it comes to immigration and economy. Harris, on the other hand, leads with his vision of the abortion and democracy. These four issues are identified, almost unanimously, as the key issues of these elections.

The CNN survey allows similar conclusions to be drawn. The SSRS poll was also conducted between October 20 and 23, among a smaller group of 1,704 voters. 47% responded that they intend to vote for Harris and 47% indicated a preference for Trump. CNN even had Kamala Harris ahead, with 48% of voting intentions, in September. As with the Times, the changes are within the margin of error. But the channel stands out: this is the First time that the former president remained on the sidelines during the entire electoral campaignwhat did not happen in 2016 and 2020.

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Once again, voters’ favorable opinions of the candidates are tied: 41% view Harris favorably, the same number as Trump. This survey also focuses on the attributes of each candidate. Voters point to the Republican’s record as president as the main reason to vote for him and his temperament as the main reason not to. As for the Democrat, voters prefer his physical and mental capacity and criticize his career as vice president.

As a final note, the CNN survey places Joe Biden as the outgoing president with the lowest approval rating since 2008: Only 36% of voters view the Democrat positively and 64% disapprove of his presidency. In 2008, Republican President George W. Bush’s low approval rating led to the presidency passing to a Democrat, Barack Obama.

Source: Observadora

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