HomeEconomyThe Lisbon City Council approves the Municipal Housing Charter...

The Lisbon City Council approves the Municipal Housing Charter that foresees an investment of 900 million euros

The Lisbon City Council today approved the Municipal Housing Charter, proposed by the leadership of the PSD/CDS-PP and which accepted changes to PS, BE, Livre and Cidadãos Por Lisboa, foreseeing an investment of 900 million euros in the next 10 years.

In a private meeting of the municipal executive, the first Lisbon Municipal Housing Charter (CMHL) was presented possible only with votes in favor of the “Novos Tempos” coalition (PSD/CDS-PP/MPT/PPM/Aliança), that governs without an absolute majority, and the abstention of the PS and the PCP.

Although the final document incorporates part of the opposition’s proposals, after voting by points, the councilors of BE, Livre and Cidadãos Por Lisboa (elected by the PS/Livre coalition) voted against.

This CMHL proposal, which must now be presented to the Lisbon Municipal Assembly, It arises from the inclusion of changes resulting from the public consultation process, with the aim of guaranteeing a housing policy for the next decade.

“A historic political commitment was reached to invest more than 900 million euros in housing,” said the mayor of Lisbon, Carlos Moedas (PSD), quoted in a statement, within the framework of the approval of the proposal, which was planned two weeks ago, but was postponed due to lack of consensus with the opposition parties.

Despite making the proposal viable with its abstention, the PS council considered that the CMHL is “a ‘failure’”registering “serious divergences” with the document, since there were “flaws and omissions that were not corrected,” among them the review of the Municipal Master Plan (PDM), the identification of the “true housing deficit in the city” and the presentation of “little rigorous and reliable.”

Source: Observadora

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