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Parliament rejects recommending to the Government that the Israeli Foreign Minister be “persona non grata” in Portugal

For the Bloc, “Katz’s problem is that António Guterres has not closed his eyes to the countless atrocities perpetrated by the State of Israel, its army and its settlers.”

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This Friday, the Assembly of the Republic rejected a recommendation to the Government proposed by BE for the Israeli Foreign Minister to be declared “persona non grata” in Portugal in response to his words against António Guterres.

The draft resolution was rejected with votes against by PSD, PS, Chega, IL and CDS-PP and with votes in favor by the other parties.

“Israel Katz, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Israel, decided to take to social media on October 2 to declare to António Guterres, Secretary General of the United Nations, ‘persona non grata‘, prohibiting his entry into the country,” says the Bloc, accusing the ruler of having made false statements when he accuses Guterres of not having condemned either the Iranian attack or the Hamas attack on October 7.

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For the Block, “Katz’s problem is that António Guterres has not closed his eyes to the countless atrocities perpetrated by the State of Israelfor his army and his settlers.”

“In fact, from the first moment António Guterres has been a brave voice in the defense of peace and the denunciation of crimes against humanity “This happens every day due to Israeli actions in the Palestinian territory and throughout the Middle East,” the party considers.

HE BE accuses Israel of trying to “intimidate and condition the actions of the UN and its secretary general”“, in an action “totally based on lies” and defends the actions of the Portuguese Government.

“Taking into account also that António Guterres is a Portuguese citizen and former prime minister of our country, Portugal must inform Israel that it does not accept this type of maneuvers of those who want to act with total impunity for their crimes. Consequently, the Portuguese Government, and if Israel does not reverse its decision in relation to António Guterres, must declare to Israel Katz, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Government of Israel, ‘persona non grata‘”, he defended the Block’s recommendation, rejected this Friday by Parliament.

Source: Observadora

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