HomeEconomyImpulse online purchases increase in Portugal, especially among young...

Impulse online purchases increase in Portugal, especially among young people

43 percent of Portuguese admit to making more impulsive online purchases today than two years ago, this trend being “even more pronounced” among adolescents and young people, according to a study published this Friday by Intrum.

On the date on which Internet Shopping Day is celebrated, in an initiative of the Digital Economy Association (ACEPI), Intrum informs that its most recent “European Consumer Payments Report” (ECPR), which will be published entirely in November, notes that “the Social media and the convenience of online shopping may be contributing to the rise in impulse purchases“.

“For example, 40% of Portuguese people who participated in the ECPR revealed that they made impulsive purchases after seeing advertisements for products or services on social networks,” he highlights.

The conclusions released this Friday indicate that 43% of Portuguese admit that they currently make more impulsive purchases online than two years agoThis trend being “even more pronounced among adolescents and young people, especially among those of Generation Z (born between 1997 and 2010)”, with 62% of respondents in this age group stating that they currently buy more products and services online that in 2022.

Among Millennials (born between 1981 and 1996), 48% also said they now shop more online than they did two years ago.

Even so, the study highlights that The Portuguese “are very conscious when buying online”Only 28% of those surveyed agree that the convenience of shopping online or on social networks often leads them to spend more money than they can afford and 61% consider that this ease is not a factor that leads them to get into debt

Although the return policy for online purchases allows the consumer to return the product if it does not meet their expectations or presents problems, the work concludes that, when purchasing online, the Portuguese have no intention of returning purchased items: 73% of Portuguese people rejected having the intention of returning at least one product when purchasing several options and only 16% admitted to considering this hypothesis.

Since 2013, Intrum has published the “European Consumer Payments Report” annually to evaluate the daily lives of European consumers, their spending habits and the way they manage their household budgets.

The annual report is based on a External survey carried out simultaneously in 20 European countries.including Portugal, with a total of 20,000 consumers participating in this 2024 edition. This year, the survey was carried out between the months of July and September.

Source: Observadora

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