HomeEconomyDemocrats voted for Joe Biden's "Easy Asylum Plan."

Democrats voted for Joe Biden’s “Easy Asylum Plan.”

Nearly all Democratic senators voted Thursday to defend an unconventional new immigration channel currently being set by regulators in President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security.

One exception is Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV), who voted with every GOP senator in the House to end the so-called asylum rule.

The rule was created by Alejandro Majorcas, an immigration fanatic who runs the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). This would allow low-level officials, some of whom may be political activists, to grant an unlimited number of immigrants a substantial gift of amnesty and citizenship when they arrive at the border.

The rule would override a law enacted by Congress that states that asylum seekers must provide evidence to persuade an immigration court judge. Asylum restrictions are designed to protect Americans from a flood of cheap labor that would make it impossible for them to negotiate decent wages in the free labor market.

One of Hill’s sources says Thursday’s vote shows that nearly all Democrats are willing to attract and accept illegal immigrants despite television statements that they are against illegal immigration.

File / Immigrants wait at a makeshift immigrant camp in the border town of Reynosa, Tamaulipas, Mexico, July 10, 2021. About 1,000 people from Central America and other Latin American countries hope to have a chance to enter the United States. (via Getty Images PAUL RATGE/AFP)

Despite the deadly risk and the legal ban on granting asylum status to economic migrants, they are “using asylum and citizenship” to lure more poor immigrants to the US border, the source said.

The source said, for example, that fast-track asylum rules were supported by some Democratic senators who recently declared that they were against the end of Section 42. These zig-zag Democrats include Arizona Senators Mark Kelly and Kirsten Cinema, and Senator Katherine Cortez Masto of Nevada.

The final vote was 46 to 48. But one of the no votes came from GOP leader Senator Mitch McConnell (R-TN) because no vote allows him to take the issue to a second vote.

Four GOP senators are not in the Senate to vote against the rule. These are Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), Senator Kevin Kramer (R-ND), Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), and Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK).

Neither did two Democratic senators vote: Senator Jeff Merkley (D-OR) and Chris Van Hollen (D-MD).

Four GOP senators also missed the primary vote for or against the 2021 Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act. The bill was blocked by a split vote of 47 to 47.

Immigrants immigrate from Honduras to Agua Caliente, on the border between Honduras and Guatemala, to the United States on January 15, 2021. (via ORLANDO SIERRA/AFP Getty Images)

GOP senators could win the war in the future vote as Manchin’s support would give them 51 votes.

But Biden has vowed to veto his legislative efforts.

GOP officials in some states have filed two lawsuits against the asylum rule. The lawsuits are asking judges to block the rule for violating the laws of Congress.

Since 2011, agency officials have allowed the asylum process to be halted due to applications from more than 1.7 million immigrants. The block ensures that immigrants remain in employment in the United States for many years, as their applications are processed and appealed slowly.

Democrats advocate the new asylum grant as good governance policy to make the asylum process more efficient. RollCall.com said:

Si Sen. Arizona Democrat Mark Kelly, who recently co-sponsored legislation that required the administration to hold the 42nd Division longer, said he voted against the resolution because he supports efforts to send more officers to the border and speed up the process. .

“If you want to speed up the exit of asylum seekers, there are people at the border who will do it,” Kelly said. “Consistent with the lack of votes.

But the rule does little to cover the workload because it allows any border-displaced immigrant to start work after filing with the overburdened asylum courts.

On May 26, DHS announced its plan to select reporters, including CBSNews.com, reporting:

The program will start on a small scale on Tuesday [May 31]While speaking to reporters, Justice and Homeland Security officials said they asked them to remain anonymous to discuss the plan.

Initially, the new program will only cover asylum seekers who have told US border officials they plan to live near Boston, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, Newark or San Francisco. – lasting up to several months.

“DHS officials said they are working to give immigrants access to free lawyers before initial screenings,” CBS said.

The plan “may represent cutting back on what some experts see as the most radical change in the asylum process in a quarter of a century,” the report said. New York Times. “President Biden’s first significant policy to improve the asylum system that he promised to restore after a four-year decline under the Trump administration,” the report said.

However, there is a great incentive for economic migrants to seek asylum even if they have no good reason to fear political persecution in their home country. Incentives include representatives in Mallorca who aim to give immigrants work and transport permits in cities where they have friends who can help them find work.

If immigrants refuse to seek asylum from Majorcan agents, they must make the dangerous and costly journey across the border through bush and desert, and then pay hefty prices for coyote taxis because they are in the north.

Since taking office in early 2021, Mallorcas has been working to create various channels through which foreign immigrants can enter American society. These pipelines are designed to help immigrants from around the world safely and cheaply circumvent the brutal and lucrative cartel smuggling networks in Mexico.

Pipelines are hidden behind federal government border security fraud, such as the Chapter 42 barrier shenanigans.

Simplified parole for many Central Americans, Afghans and Ukrainians is planned to accelerate the obtaining of work permits for so-called unaccompanied foreign minors. The pipelines are lined with several government-funded aid stations and then aid immigrants from Panama to Mexico and Texas and Florida and California, Maine and Oregon.

Mallorcas also helps immigrants in the United States obtain work permits and legal green cards. For example, it expands the U Visa program, which gives work permits and green cards to immigrants who say they’ve witnessed a crime.

Since at least 1990, the establishment of DC has attracted tens of millions of immigrant and visa workers from poor countries to work as legal or illegal workers, temporary workers, consumers, and tenants for a variety of American investors and CEOs.

This economic extraction migration strategy is uninterrupted. It is cruel to ordinary Americans because it cuts career opportunities, lowers wages and salaries, increases housing costs and forces at least ten million American men to leave the job market.

The mining shift also distorts the economy, undermines the strength of professionals, and limits Americans’ productivity, in part because it allows employers to use manual labor instead of machinery.

Immigration also reduces voter political influence, undermines workers’ rights in the workplace, and widens the wealth gap in the region between the major Democratic states and central and southern Republican states.

The booty-migration economy also alienates the youth and radicalizes democracy, compromising the civic culture of Americans as it allows wealthy elites to momentarily ignore desperate Americans. less than society.

Economic policy is hidden behind various lofty narratives. These include claims that the United States is a “country of immigrants,” that Americans have to accept foreign refugees, or that the government needs a different population. But the economic strategy of progressives like colonialism reduces foreign investment, kills many immigrants, exploits the poor and alienates foreign families by taking human wealth from poor countries.

Economic policy is promoted by progressives who want to transform the United States from a civic-culture-dominated society born in Europe into a progressive empire led by warring identity groups. “We are trying to be the world’s first multi-ethnic and multi-ethnic superpower,” the rep said. Rohit Khanna (D-CA) to reporters. New York Times March 21. “An extraordinary victory…we will win in the end,” he said proudly.

It is not surprising that transfer policies for wealth acquisition are not very popular, according to many surveys. Polls show deep and widespread public opposition to labor immigration and the influx of foreign contract workers into jobs sought by young American college graduates.

Growing opposition, anti-establishment, multiracial, inter-gender, non-racist, class, bipartisan, logicaltensed and recognized the unity of the Americans with one another.

Source: Breitbart

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