HomeEconomyGOP spokesman Westerman: Biden would rather emit greenhouse gases...

GOP spokesman Westerman: Biden would rather emit greenhouse gases to go to Saudi Arabia for dirtier oil than to promote American energy

Friday on Fox Business Tonight, Rep. Bruce Westerman (R-AR) has sued President Joe Biden for criticizing the oil industry for “flying to Saudi Arabia, which emits all manner of greenhouse gas emissions” even though it may resemble American oil.

said Westerman, [relevant remarks begin around 2:10] We need to focus on things that will require management to have an energy plan, like the American Energy Independence Act from Russia, presented by Cathy McMorris Rogers, Senior Energy and Commerce Committee member. Let’s open the pipelines and build more pipelines. Let’s start making land and sea charters and really empower American workers to solve this problem. Because that’s what’s going to happen. An attack on the oil industry will not solve anything. And by the way, Joe Biden, Texas, Louisiana, dumping all kinds of greenhouse gas emissions, will fly to Saudi Arabia, or maybe get in the car and go back to Pennsylvania and check the gas. there, on the Marcellus Slate. We have the resources and solutions here. We just have to use them. ”

Added, “[W]we have the resources. That’s part of the job – and we’re making it cleaner, safer and better than anyone else in the world.”

Source: Breitbart

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