HomeEconomyIs the State getting richer and there are more...

Is the State getting richer and there are more and more poor people? Call 910024185 and go live on Counter-Current

The National Commission for Justice and Peace, a body of the Catholic Church, and six other diocesan commissions came to warn about the impact of inflation and, above all, asked for measures so that “no one is left behind.”

With inflation approaching 9%, this is not the first time this call has come up. In a week once again marked by many strikes, especially in the transport sector, we want to debate again in Contracorriente what can or cannot be done.

EU/Forecast: Commission announces slowing growth and rising inflation

Between 10:10 and 12:00 you can give your opinion and talk live with José Manuel Fernandes and Helena Matos. You just have to subscribe by calling 910024185. You can also send recorded voice messages, with less than 2 minutes, by Whatsapp to 910024185. If you prefer, you can leave a written comment on this article, which will be read on air. And you can also send an email with your opinion to [email protected].

You can listen to the program live by clicking here. You can also listen to Rádio Observador on fm, on 93.7 or 98.7 in Greater Lisbon; 98.4 in Greater Porto and Minho; and 88.1 in the district of Aveiro. The show will be available as a podcast here.

Source: Observadora

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