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Rehabilitation of the Infante D. Henrique school in Porto without PRR funding

The rehabilitation of the Infante D. Henrique Secondary School was left without funding from the Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR), the Porto City Council stated this Wednesday, which is “clarifying the situation” with the Northern Regional Development and Coordination Commission.

In response to the Lusa agency, the municipality clarifies that, although the application was submitted within the competition deadline, April 30, The municipality did not receive “any notification regarding the evaluation and graduation of the applications submitted”.

“We were surprised by the news on June 4 that the Government had signed 16 contracts in the North for the rehabilitation of schools,” adds the municipality.

The Porto City Council says that it contacted the Ministry of Education, which “was not able to give any explanation about what happened and only reported that they will open new applications on a date that will be announced in due course,” noting that it is in negotiations with the Bank. European Investment Fund to finance interventions in schools that were not covered.

The municipality also indicates that it is trying to clarify the situation with the Northern Regional Coordination and Development Commission (CCDR-North).

In April, The municipal executive approved the signing of an agreement with Public Construction EPE [anteriormente designada Parque Escolar] advance the transmission of property rights and the modernization project of the Infante D. Henrique Secondary Schoolaimed at technical-vocational education.

With the transfer of powers in the area of ​​education, the Escola Secundária Infante D. Henrique became part of the school rehabilitation and recovery program created by the Government, but whose operational responsibility falls on the municipalities.

“The municipality of Porto will continue to fight with the Government to find the financial instrument for the rehabilitation of the Escola Secundária Infante D. Henrique without funding from the Recovery and Resilience Plan, revealed today the Chamber of Porto, which is “clarifying the situation” with to the Northern Regional Coordination and Development Commission to resolve the commitment assumed and thus carry out important requalification works in the transferred schools,” he adds.

Upon assuming powers in the field of education, in April 2022, the Porto City Councilor responsible for the department told Lusa that of the 18 schools for which the municipality now had powers, eight needed to remove asbestos.

“Eight schools need major renovation and asbestos removal works, an operation that costs around two million euros”The councilor stated, clarifying that the survey had been prepared by the committee responsible for implementing powers in the area of ​​education.

Among the schools that needed to eliminate this carcinogen were the Escola Básica Augusto Gil, the Escola do Viso, the Escola EB 2,3 Maria Lamas and the Escola Eugénio de Andrade.

Source: Observadora

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