HomeEconomyPAN sees approved pilot project for free distribution of...

PAN sees approved pilot project for free distribution of menstrual products

The PAN saw approved, within the scope of the votes of the General State Budget for 2023, a proposal to combat menstrual poverty, which obliges the Government to develop, in 2023, a pilot project for the free distribution of personal hygiene products for women????????

“During the year 2023The Government develops, together with local authorities and non-governmental organizations, a pilot project with a view to the free distribution of feminine personal hygiene items, as well as disclosure and clarification on typologies, indications, contraindications and conditions of use”, reads the proposal. The measure was approved without votes against and with the abstention of the PSD, PCP, Chega and IL.

In this year’s General State Budget, the PS had already given in to other proposals linked to menstruation, such as Livre with a study to assess the impact of menstruation on work and quality of life. But he rejected all proposals — from the PAN, Bloco de Esquerda, PCP and Chega — to distribute menstrual hygiene products free of charge. The three-day menstrual leave proposed by Inês Sousa Real’s party had also been rejected.

Studies, training, menstruation again and a single deputy that guaranteed hours of debate. The 2nd day of the Budget voting

The Block had already managed, in this year’s Budget, to see an item approved for the promotion of information actions on the menstrual cycle, the use and variety of “menstrual collection products” by the school community. In said proposal, the paragraphs that provided for the free distribution of menstrual collection products in health centers, schools and higher education institutions, as well as in prisons and socially excluded populations, were rejected.

Source: Observadora

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