HomeWorldPoll. 38% of the Portuguese believe that the...

Poll. 38% of the Portuguese believe that the National Team will be world champions

An Aximage survey revealed this Monday by TVI/CNN Portugal shows that 38% of Portuguese believe that the National Team can win the 2022 World Cup and thus become world champion for the first time in history. They are followed by Brazil —18% of those surveyed believe that the Canadian team will win—, Germany (11%), Argentina (10%), France (7%) and Spain (3%).

Regarding the national coach, 47% of those surveyed maintain that Fernando Santos He is the ideal coach to train the national team, while 39% consider the opposite. 14% decided not to answer.

Another of the topics covered in the survey refers to Cristiano Ronaldo. And here opinions are divided. Regarding the interview with Piers Morgan, 44% said that it was inappropriate, while 38% defended the decision of the captain of the National Team to be interviewed.

However, 58% of those surveyed have no doubts: Cristiano Ronaldo should be in the starting eleven for this World Cup, while 35% think otherwise. A total of 7% have no opinion.

The TVI/CNN Portugal survey was carried out between November 15 and 17 and received the response of 605 people. The margin of error is 3.49%.

Source: Observadora

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