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Parents say that the situation in schools is unreasonable and ask for guarantees for exams

Parent representatives considered this Friday that the situation in the schools is unreasonable and asked the Government to guarantee the completion of the exams, defending that strikes cannot “mortgage the future” of students.

The position of the National Confederation of Parents Associations (Confap) comes two days after the platform of nine union organizations announced strikes in national exams and final evaluations.

“Recognizing the legitimate right to defend professional interests, [a Confap] cannot help but consider that what is lived in the public school determinesoh really, harms its mission and deepens inequalities in the right to education”writes the confederation in a statement.

The teachers’ protest, motivated by the claim to recover the seniority frozen until 2018, has been going on since the end of last year, with successive protests and strikes that affected the normal functioning of the schools.

Concerned about the consequences on student learningespecially after the period of the covid-19 pandemic, parents’ representatives consider that “It is not reasonable that the world of adults suspend the gift of children and young people”due to the impasse between the unions and the Ministry of Education.

Despite sympathizing with the teachers’ claims, defending the need to review their professional conditions, Confap criticizes the strikes for final exams and evaluations and affirms that “the legitimacy of all interests and all rights should not come into conflict until the point of mortgaging the future”. from students.

The association demands the Government to create conditions that ensure “that all students will carry out, in a timely manner and opportunely, the evaluation of their work”.

The guardianship party, the Ministry of Education has already announced that it will request that minimum services be decreed, in order to “guarantee or interest both students and families — in particular the dimension of predictability that the evaluation cycle must have”, in addition to access to the higher education.

In addition to the strikes of the union platforms, the Union of All Education Professionals (Stop) announced this Friday a strike in the final evaluations of all years of schooling, in addition to a strike in all services during the next week.

The guild already had an evaluation stoppage planned for next week, for which the minimum services were decreed, but only for grade 12 evaluations.

Minister sympathizes with activists’ concerns, but criticizes school closures

Source: Observadora

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