HomeEconomyUTAO publishes this month the replacement cost of service...

UTAO publishes this month the replacement cost of service time in the public sector

The study of the Technical Budget Support Unit (UTAO) on the budgetary impact of the recovery of service time in the public service It will be ready in Junethe coordinator of this unit tells the newspaper Public. Rui Baleiras also admits that the document “is in a very advanced phase.”

In addition to teachers — with whom the Government has already signed an agreement to completely replace service time by 2027 — other public service careers also want to recover lost service time. This is the case of Security forces, justice officials and health professionals..

The results of this study, the details of which Rui Baleiras does not detail, will be presented this month. And they must reflect the “multi-year budget impact (gross and net of tax effect on IRS and Social Security contributions)” of replacing length of service in all of these careers.

Teachers recover 50% of their service time in one year and 100% in 2027. Five unions did not sign an agreement

The budgetary assessment of the return of service time was requested by the PSD and subsequently approved by the Parliamentary Committee on Budget and Finance in October 2023.

According to the head of UTAO, the document they have been preparing “is at a very advanced stage”. With the accounts that this unit presents at the end of this month, the Government will understand what margin it has to respond to the demands of the remaining races.

However, the executive decided to advance negotiations with the teaching unions even before the accounts were closed and presented.

In May, the head of Education, Fernando Alexandre, stated that replenishing the service time of these professionals is an “expense that will involve around 300 million euros per year in 2027, after a 100% recovery.” The first tranche, delivered to teachers on the 1st of this year, “will be financed with Portuguese taxes” and will have a value of “around 40 million euros.”

Fernando Alexandre had already stated that, in addition to the study being carried out by the Parliament support unit, his Ministry was doing its own accounts.

Source: Observadora

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