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The unions hope that the State reform will be clarified and that there will be no cuts

Public service unions are awaiting further clarification on the state reform measures presented on Tuesday and hope that there will be no job cuts, Fesap and Frente Comum told Lusa.

The Government estimates savings of 23 million with the first phase of the Public Administration reform

“We consider that whenever there are reforms, whatever their nature,” This “should always merit concern when it comes to maintaining employment”stated José Abraão, general secretary of the Federation of Public Administration Unions (Fesap).

“I hope that it is not the Government’s intention to fire managers just because they are managers,” said Sebastião Santana, coordinator of the Common Front, for his part.

“In the public administration there are not exactly many workers performing these functions and it is, objectively, the work that has to be organized in this way,” he said, indicating that This is an issue that will have to be considered on a “case by case” basis..

The number of public leadership positions will be reduced by 25%, to 236, following the State reform approved this Tuesday by the Council of Ministers.

The figure was mentioned by the Minister of the Presidency, António Leitão Amaro, at the end of the Council of Ministers, and this reduction from the current 315 management positions to 236 occurred during the first phase of this reform.

José Abraão said that the measures announced this Tuesday must be “evaluated” and “understood”.

Sebastião Santana, for his part, said that it is necessary to analyze the strategy in more detail, recalling that the union structures will meet with the Government on Friday.

Regarding in-person care without an appointment, union leaders agree.

“We have been arguing that it is essential in many areas of public administration to guarantee a good and timely response to citizens,” said Sebastião Santana, pointing out not only “the context of people who may eventually have some difficulties with electronic media,” but also complex situations, which may require in-person assistance.

José Abraão warns, however, of the need to reinforce personnel in this context and asks if “Conditions must be created so that those who serve can receive fair compensation for the care they provide”.

Lusa has attempted to contact the State Technical Personnel Union (STE), but has not yet received a response.

The President of the Government, Luís Montenegro, announced on Tuesday that the Government will guarantee that a daily, in-person service without prior appointment will be mandatory “in all departments of the State.”

The Minister of the Presidency also assured that the State reform will preserve jobs in the public administration and workers will be able to rest assured.

“This is a reform that preserves jobs in the public administration and progressively improves the positions and situation of workers,” said António Leitão Amaro.

The Council of Ministers today approved a reform that includes, in a first phase, the transfer starting Monday of several ministries to a common building, Campus XXI, which also houses the headquarters of Caixa Geral de Depósitos, in Lisbon.

Source: Observadora

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