HomeEconomyiFAMA portal for environmental complaints and complaints comes into...

iFAMA portal for environmental complaints and complaints comes into operation

The Single Platform for Inspection and Supervision of Agriculture, the Sea and the Environment for environmental complaints and complaints began operating this Monday, iFAMA reported in a statement.

This platform is “a Single point of entry, management and centralization of complaints.in a dematerialized manner, by a group of associated administrative entities with responsibilities in the areas of Agriculture, Maritime and Environment,” also refers to iFAMA.

Complaints and reports, when submitted, will be directed to a collaborating entity, when “the matter falls within the scope of its competence, with citizens having access to information on its treatment,” he added.

The iFAMA Portal “should not be used to file complaints under the Regulation for the Protection of Whistleblowers of Infringements (RGPDI)”, Law no. Own complaint published on the portal of the respective competent entity.

It is also explained that the Portal takes into account the principles of collaboration and cooperation and rationalization in the use of public resources, allowing Sharing relevant information provides “greater effectiveness and efficiency” in compliance with the powers of public entities and ensuring the protection of personal data in accordance with current legislation.

Source: Observadora

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