HomeEconomyCouples with both unemployed increased by 7.4% in June...

Couples with both unemployed increased by 7.4% in June (compared to 2023) to 4,775

The number of couples with both members unemployed reached 4,775 in June, 7.4% more than in the same period last year, but 1.1% less than in May, according to the Institute of Employment and Vocational Training (IEFP).

“Of the total number of unemployed married or in a civil union, 9,550 (8%) also have evidence that their spouse is also registered as unemployed with the Employment Service, totaling 4,775 unemployed couples, as of June 2024, representing +7.4%, compared to the same period of the previous year,” says the IEFP, in the report published this Monday.

Compared to May, the number of unemployed couples decreased by 1.1%. This is the second consecutive month of reduction in the chain, with May being the first month in 2024 in which the number of couples with both partners unemployed was less than 5,000.

For several years now, couples in this situation of double unemployment have been entitled to a 10% increase in the value of their unemployment benefit, if they have dependents.

Unemployed with a year-on-year increase of 9.8% in June but a fall of 1.7% compared to May

The IEFP also revealed that the number of unemployed registered at employment centres decreased by 1.7% in June compared to the previous month, but increased by 9.8% compared to the same period last year, reaching 304,946 people, according to data released today by the IEFP.

“At the end of June 2024, 304,946 unemployed people were registered with the Employment Services of the Peninsula and the Autonomous Communities, a figure that represents 67.2% of a total of 453,543 job applications,” reads the IEFP report.

Due to the increase in unemployment compared to June 2023, “Those registered less than 12 months ago contributed (+21,866), those looking for a new job (+24,821) and adults (+22,848),” explains the IEFP.

By occupational group, the largest increases in unemployment appear to have been recorded among “plant and machine operators and assembly workers” (+15.0%) and “skilled workers in industry, construction and crafts” (+14.4%) and “administrative staff” (+13.1%).

Analysing the data at regional level, it can be seen that unemployment only did not increase year-on-year in the Azores (-10.9%) and Madeira (-15.3%).

Oh The largest increase in unemployment was recorded in the Algarve region (+17.5%).

However, compared to the previous month, “the trend is towards a reduction in unemployment, with the greatest variation in the Algarve region (-8.1%)”.

Unfulfilled job offers reached 12,943 in Employment Services across the country at the end of June, which corresponds to a decrease in the offers registered in the annual analysis (-3,568; -21.6%) and an increase compared to the previous month (+714; +5.8%).

Unemployment benefit recipients increase by 9.5% in June to 179,521

The number of people receiving unemployment benefits in June rose by 9.5% year-on-year, but fell by 2.4% compared to the previous month, to 179,521.

Compared to June 2023, the data indicate that 15,636 more unemployed people will receive one of the various unemployment benefits, but in relation to the universe of beneficiaries counted in May, a decrease of 4,416 was recorded.

According to the summary of the Strategy and Planning Office (GEP) of the Ministry of Labor, Solidarity and Social Security, this profile of A year-on-year rise and fall was observed in the chain comparison in unemployment and initial unemployment benefits.while subsequent unemployment benefits experienced a decline in both situations.

In relation to unemployment benefits, the number of beneficiaries was 142,810, which represents a reduction of 2,840 (-1.9%) compared to the previous month and an increase of 17,901 benefits processed (14.3%) compared to the same month last year.

The same data indicate that The average monthly unemployment benefit in June was 652.11 euroscorresponding to a year-on-year variation of 5.2%. The increase may be influenced by factors such as the increase in the maximum value of this subsidy (after the update of the Social Support Index in January) or the fact that these are unemployed people who earn higher salaries.

The value of the Social Support Index has increased to 509.26 euros since January

As regards the initial unemployment benefit, this benefit was processed for 6,954 beneficiaries, according to the same document, which represents a reduction of 12.0% compared to the previous month and a year-on-year increase of 5.0%.

The subsequent unemployment benefit covered 21,124 people, showing a fall of 1.6% and 11.1% in the chain and in the year-on-year evolution, respectively.

According to data also released on Monday by the Institute for Employment and Vocational Training (IEFP), the number of unemployed registered at employment centres at the end of June rose to 304,946, which represents a fall of 1.7% compared to the previous month, but an increase of 9.8% year-on-year.

Source: Observadora

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