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End of RTP advertising and termination plan will make company ‘unsustainable’, opinion council warns


The RTP opinion council questions the Government’s options for the company, considering that the planned measures, specifically the layoff plan that foresees the departure of 250 people, and the gradual end of advertising, will make the company “unsustainable” .

“A sustainable company that has not had negative accounts for 14 years, and now we are going, in a governmental manner, to make it unsustainable?” asked Deolinda Machado, president of the organization, this Wednesday in a hearing in parliament. requested by the PS, the PCP and Livre after the announcement by the Government of the plan for the media.

How much are six minutes (of advertising) worth in RTP accounts?

For Deolinda Machado, advertising “is crucial” for RTP to have an audience. “And we want a public service with an audience and advertising also attracts that audience. In addition to the relevance of what it means as financing for the company itself. We are not in favor of eliminating RTP advertising in any of the minutes, we need to reinforce financing”, that is, to improve the RTP service in the Portuguese diaspora, to invest in technology and in “new capacities to welcome young people” . well prepared for AI, among other technologies.

The official also criticized the termination plan announced for RTP, which should, according to Deolinda Machado, contribute to increasing RTP’s debt, which amounts to 70 million euros. “We do not believe that this is the way forward for the company to go into even more debt due to layoffs,” he said. “We have known this path for decades and its results.” According to Deolinda Machado, “the termination plan that the company had was completely different from the one announced on the 8th.”

For the president of the opinion council, the measures will result in “weakening” RTP, which “will lose relevance, will weaken on the national and international scene.”

The person in charge highlighted that the Audiovisual Contribution that RTP receives is the “third lowest in the European Union” and that “when there are cuts what suffers is the network, the quality goes down.” In addition to the independent producers, Deolinda Machado highlighted the role of O Price Certo, which “has been connecting the population for 20 years and is extremely important,” as well as Portugal em Direito, which “is one of those with the largest audience.” , the population sees itself in these programs.”

The official revealed that the opinion council was not heard by the Government before these decisions were announced. A meeting with the Executive has already been requested but the opinion council is still waiting for a response.

Source: Observadora

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