Queen Elizabeth’s death continues to open the door in the media and social networking sites for a lot of news and information about her being the talk of the day.

Among the strange things that spread on social media recently, one person predicted in a post that the Queen would die this year.
And Logan Smith, a person who claims he can predict future events, predicted the Queen’s death on February 13, 2022, saying in a post last January: “Queen Elizabeth II will die on February 13, 2022.” 2022. , she will die early.” Starting at noon on a clear day with light rain in the second half of the day, the rest of the week will be sunny.”
But his expectation was not correct, after the queen appeared at her platinum jubilee celebrations, to come back and write an update on his previous June 8 post, in which he said: “The Queen will die on June 7. September 2022”.
This prediction shocked the followers, who widely recirculated his post, wondering how he could know the day the queen will die, and one of the activists suggested in the media that Logan may have traveled in time, until he was able to know the exact date. of the queen’s death.
But the strangest thing about all this is that Logan made another prediction, and that is that King Charles III will die in less than four years, setting the date of his death on March 28, 2026, so is his second prediction correct?