Declaring his country’s readiness to resist any Chinese intervention in Taiwan by the military, President Joe Biden ended the “constructive ambiguity” policy adopted by successive U.S. administrations, including the Donald Trump administration, regarding “ issue in Taiwan. ” Fraser Nelson, publisher of the conservative British Spectator magazine, pointed out in an article on his website that Biden wanted to give a positive answer at his press conference in Tokyo to the question of the possibility of direct U.S. involvement in the fighting. . a confrontation with China, and certainly, to repeat the question, would do so “based on its obligations,” although “there are no such obligations,” Nelson added.

Previously, U.S. officials had no position on the matter. Many experts believe that the context of the Ukrainian war will push the US administration, even temporarily, to reduce tensions in Beijing to focus on dealing with Russia, and based this on meetings and calls between the two officials. country, where the Americans called on their Chinese counterparts on behalf of the great common interests of the two countries and proceeds from the fact that in order to maintain global political and economic stability it is necessary not to support Russia’s intervention in Ukraine . The facts again refute such an analysis. The statements made by Biden on his Asian tour show that he is pursuing a “defensive” strategy of deterrence against Beijing and a desire to plunge the Asian continent amid the ongoing conflict on Ukrainian soil, which further attesting to its global nature. Washington has begun an attempt to redraw the line between allies and enemies on a global scale, or between “democracies and authoritarian regimes”, according to its empty ideological discourse, without knowing the implications of this issue for economic globalization and the resulting “layer of interests” in the world’s countries. A clear sign of these consequences is the transformation of the Globalization Forum in Davos into an almost exclusive Western club.
After Biden’s speech in Tokyo, the White House was quick to comment, rejecting a break from Taiwan’s previous official strategy and reaffirming Washington’s commitment to “one China” policy. The interpretative efforts of his headquarters could not convince the Chinese leadership that what happened was just an oversight of the US president, because of his previous “gaps” in relation to Russia and its president, when he called Putin a murderer. for the first time last year, and only one war, which was supposed to remove him from power more than a month ago, despite the fact that the explanations that followed from the White House became real policy of the US. The statement by the Chinese Foreign Ministry, which threatened Washington that it would “pay an unsustainable price if it continues to go down the wrong path with respect to Taiwan” that it “broke the promises and secrets and publicity that motivate and support separatist activities there, ”reflects the leadership’s belief. This announcement coincides with a joint patrol of Russian and Chinese bombs in the Sea of ​​Japan and East China Sea and sends a clear signal to whom it may concern Washington.

The “inquisitive people” of the American military-political establishment, the latter Henry Kissinger, were tirelessly repeating their warnings about the consequences of a collision with two giants at the same time, without being heard.

The “inquisitive men” of the US military-political establishment, the latest Henry Kissinger at the current Davos forum, never tire of repeating their warnings about the consequences of a collision with the Chinese and Russian giants. at the same time, without being listened to. sa. William Astor, a retired U.S. Air Force officer and professor of history, argued in a Tom Dispatch article that the United States could not rid itself of what he called “a war addiction” for reasons related to the location of central military-industrial complex. complex power structures and communication between large sections of the political elite. As Astor says, “War is an investment that pays a huge dividend, although very few know it… When you study the policy of total war, you should pay attention to the structure and mission of the U.S. military. Is it possible for this country to return to an isolationist policy with 750 military bases scattered all over the continent? How can it not seek war if the mission of its armed forces is defined as providing comprehensive control over all battlefields on land, at sea, in the air and space, and in cyberspace? What do you expect when its military budget is equal to that of the next 11 countries in the hierarchy of military power combined, and when the Pentagon divides different parts of the world into regions under the command of numbers American military under the supervision of its generals, as during the Roman Empire? How can you, under such circumstances, not want the officials of this country to disbelieve that its interests are at war everywhere? ” What heightens the ambitions of a military empire is the confidence of its ruling elites in the continued and rapid decline of their hegemony and ability to control, as well as the rocket growth of a rival power everywhere, such as China, or in the political and military spheres. places like Russia. Opposing them is the pricing and pushing of global polarization between the two camps, especially after they saw the trend in most southern countries to distance themselves from the Ukrainian war, some of the methods they use to try to limit decrease. its dominant position and restore it.
Accelerating the fragmentation of globalization may be one of the main consequences of the U.S. administration’s approach to polarization and pricing conflicts. What this strategy demands of the separation of economic, financial and energy partnerships between the West and Russia and, most likely in the near future with China, as a result of the gradual but continuous increase of tension here, is lead to a reformation of international economic relations, partnerships and movements of exchanges. The strategic considerations of the parties to the conflict will prevail over all others. Not to say that parade demonstrations that took place in the happy era of globalization, such as the Davos forum, have lost their appeal today. Those who compare the enthusiastic speech of the President of China at this forum 5 years ago and his country’s poor participation in this meeting today will realize the depth of alienation the world has witnessed. As a presidential candidate, Joe Biden promised Americans that if he won, he would pursue a foreign policy that would serve the interests of the middle class in his country. Explaining how his current policies serve this purpose would be a very difficult task.
* Writer from the “Balita” family.