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Scientists recreated the face of a man who lived in Ukraine 10,000 years ago

Ukrainian scientists have made a breakthrough in the study of our land’s past by recreating the face of a person who lived in Ukraine about 10,000 years ago. This achievement was made possible thanks to the combination of modern technologies and in-depth study of archaeological finds.

Facial reconstruction

The research team used a modern method that allows you to reconstruct the appearance of a person based on the skull and knowledge of anatomy. Scientists took into account the peculiarities of the lifestyle of people from the Dnipro-Donetsk culture, in particular, they found developed chewing muscles, indicating a solid food diet.

Appearance of an ancient Ukrainian

Since no DNA samples were available, the researchers assumed that the man’s skin, eye and hair color were typical of Mesolithic and Neolithic hunter-gatherers in Ukraine: medium to dark skin tone, brown eyes and brown hair. It is also noted that a large jaw was a characteristic feature of representatives of the Dnipro-Donetsk culture.

A reconstruction of the face of a man who lived in Ukraine 10,000 years ago. Credit: Ancestral Whispers

Dnipro-Donetsk culture: features and significance

The Dnipro-Donetsk culture was one of the largest archaeological cultures of Ukraine of the New Stone Age in terms of area. Its representatives were engaged in agriculture, cattle breeding, gathering and fishing, indicating a transitional stage in the development of society.

Not direct ancestors, but a significant connection

Representatives of the Dnieper-Donetsk culture, although they are indigenous inhabitants of Ukraine, are not direct ancestors of modern Ukrainians, but they played an important role in the formation of the Indo-European language community, from which many peoples of Eurasia later emerged.

This work opens new horizons in the study of the history and origin of the Ukrainian population. Reproducing the face of an ancient Ukrainian allows us to look into the past and imagine what our ancestors who lived on these lands looked like thousands of years ago. It reminds us of the rich and complex history of our country and its contribution to the development of world civilization. Source

Source: Port Altele

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