HomePoliticsUnanimous chamber in the approval of the PCP proposal...

Unanimous chamber in the approval of the PCP proposal to study the possibility of closing Avenida da Liberdade and limiting speed

After the dramatization of recent weeks, the mayor of Lisbon, Carlos Moedas, ended up accepting the proposal presented by the PCP which, in practice, will further expand the hypothetical implementation of the weekly closure of Avenida da Liberdade and the reduction of the limit of speed in the different roads of the city at 10 km/h.

Lisbon. The opposition delays the public consultation on the closure of Avenida da Liberdade to traffic to limit Coin’s strategy

Carlos Moedas withdrew the proposal that he had submitted to public consultation, leaving behind the PCP proposal which, by forcing prior studies and pilot tests, could, in practice, extend the implementation period of the Livre proposal approved 14 days ago.

If the strategy of precipitating the public consultation, with a minimum of 45 days, could give Moedas a final result of rejecting the proposal, the unanimous approval of the proposal presented by the communists will end up extending the deadlines. THE The public consultation will only advance after studies on specific measures on traffic are concluded: closure of Avenida da Liberdade and speed limitation.

It was precisely with this awareness that João Ferreira made sure to say, during the chamber meeting, that the approval of the proposal “cannot be a delaying maneuver of pushing something with the belly hoping that nothing will be done.” The communist councilor also wanted to avoid carrying out the studies as just “a pro-form of doing everything as if nothing had happened.”

Recalling that, when the proposal was voted on in the municipality, Livre refused to include the proposals to modify the PCP that could prevent all this noise from being created around its application, the councilor immediately questioned the point about Avenida da Freedom and the program. “A Rua e Sua”.

“We don’t know whether to resume “Rua é Sua” or eliminate traffic on Avenida da Liberdade. What is written there is to eliminate traffic once a week, on Sundays and holidays. The Rua é Sua program was not closed to traffic”, pointed out the communist councilman.

In his response, Rui Tavares do Livre highlighted the party’s willingness to seek the proper implementation of the measures, in line with the wishes of the population, and put on the table the hypothesis of close only the sides of the avenue and keep circulation in the central lanes, a solution that emerged from a meeting that the party had with the UACS (Union of Trade and Services Associations of the Lisbon and Tagus Valley region).

The socialist Miguel Gaspar considered that the last week was “one week horrible of the governance of the Lisbon City Council”. “Lisbon residents were disappointed by the inability to hold a joint dialogue” between the Executive and the rest of the council members of the municipality, he defended.

“The effort to build a capacity for joint dialogue is yours. He worried about creating a political factwe have to work together to make a better path for the city”, pointed out the PS councilor who, in the previous Executive, was precisely at the forefront of mobility.

The Bloco de Esquerda had also submitted a proposal, which ended up being rejected, whose objective was to provide more information about Almirante Reis and the bike lane on this avenue, as well as a public consultation on the operation of the Gira network.

Source: Observadora

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