HomePoliticsThe theme chosen by PS arrives for a statement...

The theme chosen by PS arrives for a statement in AR in a week of problems in the ER

Chega criticized the PS on Wednesday for dedicating its political declaration in the Assembly of the Republic to the issue of communities when the last few days have been marked by the closure of obstetric emergencies in several hospitals in the country.

“The National Health Service is in deep chaos and collapse and the PS brings us community issues”, said the president of Chega, André Ventura, ironically that we socialists are “always in a cycle with current issues that interest the country”.

The deputy from Chega also criticized the Liberal Initiative for talking about housing, pointing out that for the liberals “health was not a really relevant issue”, and the PSD, for “in that logic of having a foot on both sides of the field, they He had been talking about internal administration, and at the same time with a touch here and there in health”.

André Ventura said that “unlike” the other parties, Chega’s political declaration would be dedicated to health, without mentioning that this was also the theme chosen by BE and PCP for their political declarations this Wednesday.

The situation in the emergency rooms of Portuguese hospitals was also mentioned by deputies from other parties in their speeches.

In his speech, the leader of the far-right party said that “the left, the PS and the far-left have their mouths full talking about the National Health Service. [SNS] free, universal, adequate and prosperous service for all”, but considered that the SNS “is a service of the poor for the poor and absolutely degraded”.

André Ventura then pointed out that it will not be possible to “solve the problem of skills and the lack of professionals in three or four months”, and reiterated that “those who are not served by the SNS, who have been waiting for years or years, will emergencies and are closed” must be able to go to private or social services “with the support of the State and its co-participation”.

“We have to put aside ideology and look at the Portuguese who do not have health services,” he stressed.

In a request for clarification, deputy Carlos Guimarães Pinto, of the Liberal Initiative (IL), pointed out that Ventura “spent half the time [da sua intervenção] criticizing the fact that the other parties have not talked about a certain topic”.

The deputy from IL also said that his party has “120 pages dedicated to the reform of the health system” in its electoral program, pointing out that “it has 10 times more content just about health than the electoral program Chega todo”.

And he defended that “people care about housing” and that “the time to talk about problems is when they can be solved, when they can be anticipated.”

At the beginning of his speech, André Ventura also responded to a statement from Deputy André Coelho Lima, of the PSD, moments before, stating that challenging Chega to accompany the PSD regarding the Immigration and Border Service “if it were not a joke, it would be a tragedy”.

The Chega leader maintained that “if there was a party” in that chamber that “fought for the police” and “for the SEF when the PSD joined the PS, that was Chega.”

In response, the PSD deputy asked André Ventura to “return the truth or retract” because what he said “does not correspond to the truth.”

André Coelho Lima stressed that “the PSD from the first hour is against the extinction of the SEF” and “presented an alternative version, reclassifying the SEF” as a security force.

In his response to the PSD, André Ventura said that he did not accept “taking lessons from anyone about the treatment and protection of the security forces”, while accusing IL of defending a “health program for rich children”.

Source: Observadora

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