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Catholic Union: Black leaders sided with white supremacists on abortion

Catholic Union President Bill Donoghue denounced the disturbing trend of black congressmen siding with white supremacists and promoting abortion for blacks.

“White supremacists have always supported birth control for blacks, whether it’s contraception or abortion,” wrote Dr. Donoghue this week. “Now that target is led by black congressmen.”

Donoghue added that the abortion movement was based on white supremacy from the very beginning, when Margaret Sanger founded Planned Parenthood with the clear goal of “reducing the black population.”

Sanger is “predominantly white supremacist,” as Donoghue puts it, and while Planned Parenthood has focused on birth control from the beginning, it has become “the leading driver of abortion in the United States.”

With his Nazi-like eugenics mentality, Sanger sought to destroy (as he put it) “the meaningless, aimless lives that fill this world of ours”. This type of human weed is blocking the road, depleting the energy and resources of this little land. ”

In 1932, a year before Hitler came to power in Germany, Sanger wrote that a large proportion of people of color “make up a large percentage of Kalamazoo’s human waste pile.”

in his book Battle against the weakEdwin Black writes that Margaret Sanger was “encircled by some of the most outspoken racists and white supremacists in the eugenics movement” and “openly welcomed” racists and antisemitists in the “birth control movement” like the famous Donoghue.

Unfortunately, the racism at the heart of the abortion lobby isn’t just a thing of the past, Donoghue said, and by 2020 “86% of Planned Parenthood clinics will be located in or near minority areas.”

“Also, the most recent CDC report on abortion found that blacks (38.4 percent) had a higher abortion rate than whites (33.4 percent) or Hispanics (21.0 percent). “Blacks make up about 13 percent of the population,” he said.

White women had the lowest abortion rate (6.6 abortions per 1,000 women), while black women had the lowest abortion rate, the CDC report said. The biggest abortion rate (23.8 abortions per 1000 women), that is, the number of abortions among black children is 3.6 times higher than among white children.

Donoghue wrote that all this further misunderstands the position of black congressmen, as the abortion industry does what Reverend Jesse Jackson calls “black genocide.”

Last month, 20 black congressmen led by Rep. “She wrote a letter to President Biden asking her to consider the impact of abortion restrictions on black women,” Ayanna Pressly said. Caviar It would be “destructive” for black women.

“Rep. Pressley not only knows the history, but has become a present threat to the health and safety of African Americans,” Donoghue concluded. “How ironic that he is now on the side of the Klan.”

Source: Breitbart

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